Pure PHP Upload Add-On Pack Support Product Page

Rename Based on Session

Asked 30 Mar 2011 05:17:46
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30 Mar 2011 05:17:46 Bobby Edgar posted:
I am using the Pure PHP Upload and the Add-On Pack.

I've got a page for users to upload files when they login. I've got a recordset that opens and is available on the page based on the MM_Username that's logged in.

I used to setup a hidden form on the page and load it's value from the recordset and then in turn, mask the rename like $ruf->renameMask = "".$HTTP_POST_VARS['LBAS_Company_Name_Lower'].".##ext##";, and it worked just fine....


That worked when Register Globals were On in my PHP.ini file. Since that's a security problem these days, I don't wish to have globals on and now need to mask it directly.

When I try $ruf->renameMask = "".$row_rsUser['LBAS_Company_Name_Lower'].".##ext##"; it just doesn't work.

Any thoughts?


Replied 30 Mar 2011 10:45:16
30 Mar 2011 10:45:16 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Bobby,

Try pass the value to a variable and use that variable in the rename mask.


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