DMXzone CSS3 Drop Shadows Support Product Page

More flexibility? (h-shadow v-shadow blur spread (shadow) color, etc)

Shared 17 Oct 2012 21:49:27
like this idea
17 Oct 2012 21:49:27 S A M posted:
I'd like to have more precision over the shadows through the dialogue box. Currently, I don't see settings for h-shadow v-shadow blur spread or (shadow)color. The dialogue box seems to only control the DIV and not the shadow settings itself.

While presets are nice (Lifted, Raised, Curled, etc.), they should only be a STARTING point and the user should have full flexibility over each aspect of the shadow.

I'm kind of disappointed because I purchased this with the intention of not having the adjust the shadow through the CSS code. Unfortunately, this is what I find myself having to do.

If these options are already in the tool and I have somehow missed them, please accept my apology and advise me where to find it.



Replied 17 Oct 2012 22:20:49
17 Oct 2012 22:20:49 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

The options you are asking for are not included in the extension.
The shadows presets included are optimized to work fine in every situation.
Replied 18 Oct 2012 08:40:04
18 Oct 2012 08:40:04 S A M replied:
Thanks for you quick reply. I was hoping I would get the same level of control as this: only from within dreamweaver and with DMX interface. Like I said, I still have to edit the CSS directly to achieve desired effects; and this I wanted to avoid, so I was willing to pay for that convenience.

Thanks, again for the quick response. I appreciate that!
Replied 30 Oct 2012 13:07:32
30 Oct 2012 13:07:32 rob vlaan replied:
Hello DMXzone, I just bought the drop shadow extension... And while the shadows themselves look nice and usefull, I feel this extension is half done (especially if you consider the price paid for it). Why are there no options to atleast adjust the strength/opacity, size or color of the set shadow, or no options to ad hover or click states or change transition and transform settings? If you built it so one can adjust the rotation (least interesting to me personally compared to the missing options) why not enable the user by adding options for setting/adjusting color, size and such... Adding these features would make this extension priceless for a lot of peoples...

Presets will not be sufficient in many many situations... As it is the default shadows will be to strong, dark or large for a lot of specific needs I and others will have at many points... Every shadow needs to be different... Adjusting this is now not possible through the interface like it is with css3gen as S A M states... I also mainly purchased this extension to have this type of functionality within the dreamweaver interface...

To me however this current version feels like I just paid 40 euro's for a comprehensive stylesheet that can save me some time in the future by copying it and adjusting it manually to my wishes when I need a more complex shadow...

I do not think that was your envisioned purpose when developing this extension and believe this could be 1 of your best extensions yet and you have some very nice ones that I use frequently...

Replied 30 Oct 2012 14:28:25
30 Oct 2012 14:28:25 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello All.

Thank you for your contribution.The suggested functionality will be discussed with the developers.

Replied 03 Nov 2012 04:22:22
03 Nov 2012 04:22:22 Albert Brizendine replied:
I agree. I would like to see more functionality as well. I am disappointed that I can't adjust the the details of the shadows.
I have to resort to editing the CSS, which is what I was hoping to avoid.
Replied 03 Nov 2012 16:26:38
03 Nov 2012 16:26:38 S A M replied:
Thanks for backing me up on this, guys. I think the extension has tremendous potential...perhaps it was just released too soon. Hopefully they will continue to develop it to its fullest and beyond.

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