Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page


More than ten markers is making directions not work.

Reported 20 Jun 2012 13:45:31
have this problem
20 Jun 2012 13:45:31 Nikolaos Beligiannis posted:
Well was using that extension and was working great. Suddenly realized that it stopped working. It stopped showing the closest destination. After a lot of testing and testing realised that for some reason when adding more than ten markers it makes directions not work. Actually it doesnt even add a marker on the map. Created some testing pages to verify the problem (this is unsing less than 10 markers and its working)
(this uses more than ten markers and its making extensions crash)Thank you


Replied 21 Jun 2012 09:13:27
21 Jun 2012 09:13:27 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Nikolaos.

We talked yesterday in the live support.
Please take a look at the following F.A.Q:

DMXzone Google Maps with Many Addresses

and try to use longitude and latitude fields dynamically for more then 10 records instead of address field.


Replied 21 Jun 2012 09:54:02
21 Jun 2012 09:54:02 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
Thank you for your reply.
Using lat and lon wont work either. Check this file where it uses 10 dynamic lats and lons. If I reduce them to 9 it will work. I was using this on a live website with more than 50 dynamic lats and lons and it was working perfect for more than a month. Yesterday I realised that it stopped working. Trying to find the problem saw that when reducing the addresses to less than 10 map is working. More than 9 it just crashes. Here is the link to the testing page with 10 dynamic lat and lon

Thank you

PS The same page will work if I reduce addresses to 9
Replied 21 Jun 2012 12:14:02
21 Jun 2012 12:14:02 George Petrov replied:
Hi Nikolaos,

I've being investigating your problem and it seems that Google have increased their usage limits ... so you can not longer ask for more than 10 routes and the same time.

And this is exactly what we are doing to determine the shortest route.

So I'm now investigating other possibilities now to find the shortest route.

The easiest one is to find the closes point by just calculating the straight distance and then asking google for the directions till there.

The only problem is that it will be picking the closes by straight line and not necessarily by the closest road.

What do you think?

Replied 21 Jun 2012 12:46:01
21 Jun 2012 12:46:01 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
That really sucks. It just destroys the project that, by the way, was live and working.

I know it doesn't have to do with you and the extension but it's a really bad situation.

Anyway thank you.
Replied 21 Jun 2012 12:53:57
21 Jun 2012 12:53:57 George Petrov replied:
No worries Nikolaos, I think we found the right solution for distance calculation. Will send you a beta in a minute to test.

Replied 21 Jun 2012 13:00:14
21 Jun 2012 13:00:14 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
Really thank you for your fast reply.
Will be waiting to test this beta version.
Replied 21 Jun 2012 13:32:08
21 Jun 2012 13:32:08 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
Got the beta version and it works perfect
Here's the link to the project page that verifies that new beta google directions extension works

Thank you very much

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