DMXzone Nivo Slider Support Product Page


Smaller Thumbnails

Asked 03 Dec 2011 22:49:15
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03 Dec 2011 22:49:15 Dan Berdusco posted:
Love the product. However, I can't seem to adjust the CSS to make the thumbnails smaller. I have read the article, and it has a brief note about making the thumbs larger, but I can't seem to do that either as the adjustment code seems to be in note/annotation form. So my question, is what exactly in the Basic_with_thumbs.css file needs to be adjusted to make the thumbs fixed to a smaller size? Thank you very much in advance


Replied 05 Dec 2011 10:14:50
05 Dec 2011 10:14:50 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dan,

you can specify the thumbnails size when you are importing your images into the slider:

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