Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page

relative links adn admin pages in subfolders

Asked 15 Apr 2013 15:55:43
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15 Apr 2013 15:55:43 tony dolce posted:
Hi all,
I have this simple file structure on a new website that is not public yet, so I'll put everythink under a subfolder (NYP: Not Yet Public):
  • /NYP/
  • /NYP/admin
  • /NYP/admin/news_list.php
  • /NYP/admin/news_details.php
  • /NYP/uploads
  • /NYP/news.php
  • /NYP/other files on NYP root

In NYP/admin I have pages (dynamic master/details pages using php+mysql) to edit back-end data (news_list.php, news_details.php, and so on...).
The news_details.php page contains one or more ADV HTML editor 3.
I use RELATIVE links to make this website more 'portable'.
So, when I insert images using the ADV HTML editor I get this HTML code for them:
[img]../uploads/001.png" alt="" />

Please note that the image source is relative to the news_details.php page.

In the NYP/news.php page I have a database recordset that shows the data I created using admin pages.
In the news.php page images are broken: the server cannot find "" image.

How can I fix this and be able to move the whole website to root once I update the content?
If, for example, I use ABSOLUTE links I get the image sources pointing to NYP/ folder; so, when I'll move the websites from NYP/ to root (/) I'll get all images links in news.php broken.

Hope this is clear enough.
Please let me know if you need more info.




Replied 16 Apr 2013 09:04:27
16 Apr 2013 09:04:27 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Tony.

Our extensions are constructed to work in real environment.
In order to save you the headeche by moving the whole project and reapplying the extensions when you move your complete project from NYP to the domain /root you can setup test server and work in the real domain root , after that upload the project on the hosting server. This way you will save a lot of time , because when moving your project from NYC to the domain folder , will require to you to reapply the settings in some of our extensions and also changing your database in order for the correct path to be created.


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