Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page


AHTMLE3 inserts p tags on load

Asked 11 Apr 2012 11:34:36
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11 Apr 2012 11:34:36 David Ross posted:
So far I love AHTML Editor, but there's a nagging issue for me. When a page loads, AHTML is automatically inserting opening and closing p tags in the code of any textarea that doesn't already have a value. I am not talking about what happens when I enter text in the textarea - that works fine, and I have the lineBreak parameter set to 'br', and that works fine also. But when a page loads AHTMLE3 inserts opening and closing p tags automatically into any empty text area. Its a drag because if I don't want any values in that textarea I have to switch to html view and delete the p tags.


Replied 11 Apr 2012 11:49:24
11 Apr 2012 11:49:24 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello David and welcome to DMXZone support forum.

That is the way the editor works at the moment.If you need to specify a container you can use the dropdown menu and insert divs,headings, e.t.c the desired tags.
Please take a look at our product manual for the extension:
Advanced HTML Editor 3 Manual

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 11 Apr 2012 12:24:20
11 Apr 2012 12:24:20 David Ross replied:
Hi Vulcho,

Thanks for your very quick reply. I figured out a quick way around this issue (I think). I'll mention this in case it helps anyone who doesn't want this default behaviour. I'm using php, and if I echo a space " " in the textarea on page load it seems that AHTMLE3 does not insert p tags automatically. So far it seems to work.


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