CSS Form Designer Support Product Page

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CSS Form Designer inserting wrong link to style sheet

Reported 28 Sep 2011 02:54:30
has this problem
28 Sep 2011 02:54:30 Trevor Courtney posted:

DW5.5, Vista, V1.0.1, all browsers


I have found today that after inserting dmxSlidingBillbord, which puts it's style sheet in a folder named "Styles" (uppercase "S",)and then adding a form with CSS Form Designer the style sheet is put in the "Styles" folder (with an uppercase "S"but the link to the style sheet in the head of the page is to a folder named "styles" with a lower case "s".

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Styles/dmxSlidingBillboard.css" />
<link href="styles/form_clean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I'm sure I have encountered this once before as when I saw the error after uploading the page to the server I knew how to fix it immediately by changing the lower case "s" to an upper case "S" in the link.


Replied 28 Sep 2011 09:50:48
28 Sep 2011 09:50:48 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Trevor,

thank you for your notice. We'll see to address this issue in next update of the extension.

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