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What You Missed This Week

This week we have a new updated version of our DMXzone Supersized, which comes with a new feature and numerous improvements. We also discounted it with 50% and until next Wednesday you can buy it cheaper. In order to inspire you we have designed couple of showcases and video tutorials to help you work with the extensions so read on to find out more.

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DMXzone Supersized Comes with Random Slides

In our newest DMXzone Supersized 1.0.1 you will find a new feature that's been requested from users during the past couple of weeks and that allow you to start your supersized with a random slide when loaded. Also in this update we've included couple of improvements regarding the Dreamweaver integration and installation on CS5.5+. Below you will find the full list of improvements and a useful demo that's been designed with this amazing Dreamweaver extension so read on.

If you still don't have the DMXzone Supersized until next Wednesday you can get with with 50% discount!

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Video Tutorial: Dynamic CSS Image Gallery

In today's video tutorial we will show you how create a dynamic CSS Image Gallery. It gives you complete freedom to use all Dreamweaver build in dynamic data server behaviors so you can easily generate a gallery from a recordset with repeat region. If you're still not familiar with this great Dreamweaver extension, check out the features, demos and videos because it complies with the latest web standards and is fully JavaScript unobtrusive, meaning that the images will always be displayed, even if your users don’t use JavaScript.

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Facebook Motorcycle Store Offers Showcase

With the release of the Timeline features, Facebook made it possible to design your pages up to 851px wide and therefor our Dreamweaver extension Facebook Fan Page is more powerful than ever. Last week's update came with full support for the new Timeline, customizable width, improved TestRunner so you can preview your design before uploading to Facebook and more. Below, you can explore our newest showcase, where we'll show you how easy it is to create Facebook pages with one extension and some CSS tricks.

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What You Missed This Week

This week we're celebrating DMXzone's 11th birthday with some amazing discounts, showcases and updates. We also implemented the new Timeline on our Facebook page so if you're still not a fan of ours you might want to check out the new design. Below you will find a summary of this week's content, and discounted extensions and subscriptions.

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DMXzone Facebook Page Goes Timelined

If are a fan of our Facebook page you probably already noticed the major changes we did today. With the Facebook Timeline coming on 30th of March we thought why the wait and decided to go for it! At first we were skeptical but the end result is what makes us actually like it very much. Even today's showcase is hosted in the Demo tabs and it was easily created with the Facebook Fan Page extension that we also updated today so check out our page and become a fan if you're still not one. Below you can see a preview how it looks like!

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Facebook Fan Page Extension Update for Timeline

With Facebook's introduction of its Timeline for personal accounts a lot has changed and now they started implementing it also on Facebook Fan Pages. Some of the key features are the wide cover photo, customizable images for the tabs and apps, larger story space and also highlightened posts that can be expand to the full width of the page. Therefor we also did an awesome update of our Facebook Fan Page extension and now it supports the new Timeline design fully, gives you the opportunity to choose the page width size and comes with improved TestRunner and Dreamweaver integration.

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Celebrate our 11th Birthday with Us

This week we celebrate our Eleventh Birthday! We want to thank all the DMXzone users for the amazing time that we've been working together and your great support during the years. We want to share with you these happy hours and offer you to join the holiday fun and save additional 20% discount on our Extensions and Premium Content Subscriptions! We will continue to bring high quality products and content in the future and give our best to satisfy you with our services!

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Web Design Studio Showcase with Sliding Panels and CSS Menu

In today's showcase we will give you some ideas how to create a website for a Web design studio with awesome slider and stunning navigation for which we used 2 DMXzone extensions so check out the demo below. Both can be found in the Sliding Panels & CSS Navigation menu bundle, and also we added 50% discount on the Sliding Panels extension for a limited time period.

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What You Missed this Week

If you missed us this week, this is the summary of the content, updates and more that we released during the last seven days. Along with the major update of our HTML5 Video Player, which is also currently on sale with 50% off until Wednesday, we also designed some impressive demo pages with DMXzone extensions to help you get inspired so check them out!

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