Working with CSS Background Images – Part 3: Creating Background Images with a Drop Shadow

In this series you will learn how to work with background images and cascading style sheets—CSS. Background images and how to use them is a wide and varying subject. In this series I start at the beginning; to use this tutorial, no prior knowledge is assumed.

In the first two parts of this series, you learned how to set a background image. I reviewed using keywords, multiple keywords, and measurement values for precise positioning. These are the basics of using background images and it is necessary to understand these concepts in order to correctly implement the CSS required for setting your images.

Now that you have gained that knowledge, it’s time to move on to more interesting things. In this, the third tutorial in this series, my aim is to show you how you can dramatically alter the appearance of your pages by using background images. You begin in Macromedia Fireworks where you create the images you need before exporting them to your local site and implementing the images in your design through the power of CSS.

Chris Charlton

Chris CharltonChris, Los Angeles' CSS & ActionScript guru, successfully cannonballed into web development in the late 90's. Always caught up with the latest in Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and XML, Chris authored premium articles for the largest Dreamweaver/Flash community ( and produced WebDevDesign (iTunes featured), a popular Web Design & Development Podcast. Somewhere, Chris finds time to run an authorized Adobe user group focused around open source and Adobe technologies. Being a big community leader, Chris Charlton remains a resident faculty member of the Rich Media Insitute and lends himself to speak at large industry events, like JobStock, NAB, and FITC Hollywood.

Brain cycles from Chris are always Web Standards, Flash Platform, and accessibility.

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