Full Content Editor ASP Collection

Use the full power of Advanced HTML Editor 3 and its add-ons

The Full Content Editor ASP Collection features the Advanced HTML Editor 3 and all of its add-ons. Also there are 2 extensions that can be used as add-ons as well as stand alone extensions side the editor (DMXzone Nivo Slider, HTML5 Slideshow ).

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Pure ASP Upload 3

Fastest and most advanced upload solution ever!
Pure ASP Upload 3 is the most advanced upload solution ever! It combines all the latest technologies in the web development world like AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3. All available at your fingertips and in your trusted Dreamweaver environment. With just a few clicks, you become an expert.

It empowers strong validated client and server side restricted uploads, making them more secure than ever. Full support for mobile file upload - now with IOS 6 and Android 4 you can upload any image from your mobile phone directly with a great looking HTML5 progress bar.

It also supports the DMXzone Ajax Form - turn your form to a dynamic ajax form so that it is submitted and processed directly without any page refreshes and show the result directly inline! Combine Pure ASP Upload 3 with DMXzone Ajax Form and you will get full Ajax File Upload! With real time accurate progress tracking in all the latest browsers!

NOTE: This extension uses old Server Behaviors technology deprecated by Adobe and we will also deprecate it soon. Please use the new HTML5 File Upload, based on the new DMXzone Server Connect technology for building dynamic web sites with server connectivity.
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Smart Image Processor ASP 2

DMXzone's most powerful Image Resize, Enhancement and Manipulation extension

Smart Image Processor 2 is DMXzone’s most powerful Image Resize, Enhancement and Manipulation extension that allows you to quickly and easily process multiple images, create thumbnails, use image options such as crop, flip, rotate, sharpen and blur, or create grayscale images. You can even brand your image by including a watermark or text.

This extension uses old Server Behaviors technology deprecated by Adobe and we will also deprecate it soon. Please use the new DMXzone Image Processor, based on the new DMXzone Server Connect technology for building dynamic web sites with server connectivity.

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HTML5 Slideshow

Create Mind-Blowing HTML5 Presentations!

Bring your photos to life in an amazing HTML5 slideshow in Dreamweaver. The Slideshow photo gallery is built with jQuery, is CSS based and uses HTML5 W3C standard elements like the Canvas and CSS3 Transitions, when available, for the highest animation quality and no Flash at all – so it runs on all iDevices smoothly!

Choose amazing effects from the famous director, Ken Burns to slowly zoom and pan across your photos, or use the many transitions available. The slideshow includes navigation controls in many styles so it perfectly fits your site.

The extension has been discontinued, please get HTML5 Slideshow 2!

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Advanced HTML Editor 3

Meet the future of Content Editing

Creating beautiful and rich content online has never been easier. With the Advanced HTML Editor 3 you can enable editing of live text, images, tables and other content without any HTML knowledge, visually like in Microsoft Word. Turn the brand new, fully rewritten Advanced HTML Editor 3 into your own custom CMS with just a few clicks, directly from within Dreamweaver and make your websites dynamic and editable by your clients.

The smart context menus and rich editing options will save you time throughout the content editing process.  Customize the editor especially for your users by selecting the toolbars you wish and display it in one of the many desired languages. The great supplied CSS based designs and icon packages, which can be edited, will guarantee you the perfect fit on your website design.

Fully jQuery powered, XHTML/HTML5 and cross-browser compatible, the editor offers great dependent file copy, synchronizations built-in and integrated with Dreamweaver file upload, and site synchronization.

Available Add-ons:

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Online Page Editor Add-on

Edit your Dreamweaver Template based pages directly online

The Page Editor Add-on puts your users in control of their website empowering them to edit live pages without the use of any extended Content Management System or database! This amazing Add-on extends the usability and possibilities of the Advanced HTML Editor 3, turning any region of your Dreamweaver template based site into a live editable area. With only one single key press the Editor becomes visible and you can start editing your online content directly.

The Online Page Editor Add-on works only with Advanced HTML Editor 3

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Image Gallery Add-on

Collect and use all your images directly from the editor!

Organize your images in an Ajax based image gallery. Use it for quick and easy pick up within your Advanced HTML Editor 3. Fully integrated with Ajax multi upload, with just few clicks or drag and drop, you can arrange your images in a great thumbnail gallery, zoom them for better preview and even delete whenever needed.  An extremely useful way to keep your images for future reuse and in great order, the add-on is super fast and very responsible due to its Ajax nature. 

This Add-on works only with Advanced HTML Editor 3

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DMXzone Google Maps

Empower full featured Google Maps in Dreamweaver!

DMXzone Google Maps is a Dreamweaver extension that enables you to unleash the power of Google Maps in just a few clicks. Add markers to cities, addresses, businesses and events with info balloons on interactive, annotated maps and integrate them in your websites!

Let your visitors browse a dynamic or static map and find what they are looking for as quickly as possible. You can change marker images, show rich tooltips, pan to location and tons of other features all set up in a world featuring the beauty of Google Maps.

DMXzone Google Maps is powered by the miraculous and latest Google Maps API V3 and the extension gives even support for mobile devices, iPhone/iPad, Android, Win 7 Phone and BlackBerry!

DMXzone Google Maps has been discontinued, please get DMXzone Google Maps 2!

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File Manager Add-on

Navigate, manage and use your files directly in the editor!

Manage a complete file library directly in your Advanced HTML Editor 3? It's now possible with the File Manager Add-on, which allows you and your users to upload, delete, rename, download files and folders with few mouse clicks.

Drag one or many files from your personal folders and drop to upload them automatically into the manager (Firefox & Chrome) and if you choose to show thumbnails for the images, the File Manager will generate a small thumbnail preview server side on the fly.

The File Manager Add-on is fully secured and the file views load mighty fast due to to extensive usage of Ajax technology and CSS Sprites, and the amazing integration with the Advanced HTML Editor 3, which even matches the skin and style.

The Add-on requires Advanced HTML Editor 3 and you need to have Pure PHP Upload 3 or Pure ASP Upload 3 extension in order to upload files to the File Manager.

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Google Maps Drawing Add-on

Sketch anything you want directly in Dreamweaver

Google Maps Drawing Add-on is a fully integrated Drawing Editor and allows you to sketch anything you want directly in Dreamweaver. Just pick the place on the map that you need to work on and start drawing. You can draw directions, different shapes such as rectangles, circles or even polygons to highlight certain parts of the map. You can choose any color, set up opacity and stroke.

The Add-on also works greatly in our amazing Advanced HTML Editor 3, where you have all its functionality directly in it. It's very simple to use and the effects that you can accomplish are stunning.

The Google Maps Drawing Add-on requires DMXzone Google Maps 2!

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DMXzone Nivo Slider 3

The most awesome jQuery image slider
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Type: Behavior
Product: Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of Wappler.io - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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