Useful HTML5 Code Snippets You Can Use Today

Some basic HTML5 snippets and uses that we can start implementing

The hype today is all about the new HTML5, the newest version of HTML that has combined classic HTML with XML, plus more features for modern web development. It is also, technically, the new version of XHTML 1.0, and in the near future it will be the main markup language we use for computer-based website creation (as opposed to mobile devices).

With all its cool new features and all-in-one set up, web designers and developers alike are eager to get going with it. As we know, though, with any new technology we have to wait for browser compatibility to arise. It may be years before 100% HTML5 websites are practical to create. So what's the point in learning HTML5 now? Better yet, what are some uses of HTML5 that we don't have to wait for?

In this post we're going to go over some basic HTML5 snippets and uses that we can start implementing today, despite the lack of full browser compatibility. These are snippets that do have wide compatibility, or snippets that we can use for modern browsers with an alternative backup.

Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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