Practicing Photoshop CS5's New Features

In this article Rafiq Elmansy talks about Mixer Brush, Content Aware Fill, Complex Selection and more...

Since the earliest days of Adobe Photoshop, designers and photographers have depended on it to edit images. Photoshop is perhaps Adobe’s most popular application. Professionals in our industry react with excitement and concern for every new version. They want to know about new features and how Photoshop can improve their editing and marketing (again!). The interest in Photoshop doesn’t come as a surprise, given its reputation among both the community of experts and general computer users.

Newly released versions of software always include minor changes that are regarded by the creator as enhancements. There are usually major changes as well, and the time required to learn about them can affect the workflow of professionals who frequently employ the program.


Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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