Pure ASP Upload Tutorial by Leon Radley Support Product Page

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An error has occured saving uploaded file!

Posted 23 Jul 2002 20:10:39
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23 Jul 2002 20:10:39 Matthijs de Groot posted:
Maybe the destination directory does not exist, or you don't have write permission.

What can be the problem!?


Replied 26 Jul 2002 18:58:20
26 Jul 2002 18:58:20 Eric Lammers replied:
We had this code working for a few months and recently it stopped working. We get the same "permissioins denied" message as you when we add a new record. The problem is that the code cannot create the folder on the server. If we create the folder manually, then all works fine. We've already had our hosting provider check permissions, but they say nothing has changed. NEED HELP!

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